Panther Families,

Over the past 25 years, our football and cheer program has been created and maintained by the strength of volunteers. “Many hands make light work” is so true and we’ve accomplished so much with the help from so many who have been completely selfless.

Each year we must evaluate the amount of work needed to keep the organization running against the total number of families in our organization. As you can imagine this is a hefty task, but the harder part is determining what is fair to ask of our families and what is absolutely necessary to run the operation. It is truly a balancing act.

This year (2024) we are asking our families to contribute 5 hours. 

While the amount of effort is always going to vary from one individual to another, it is important to note, that no good deed goes unnoticed here. We appreciate all the help we receive and value everyone’s time and involvement. Without you, we as an organization (as we know it) would not be possible.

Volunteering Opportunities Now Open!!


As an organization, we post opportunities for the upcoming week ONLY. 

Postings will be done no later than the Tuesday morning prior to the weekend event. 

If you are challenged with finding times, PLEASE CONTACT US and we will help you find an opportunity. 

Sign Up!

Hourly Totals

Hours are totaled by FAMILY NAME. Please search the entire list before emailing CONTACT@WTPANTHERS.COM